Role Play competition | Drugs & substance Abuse

A cluster level competition on the topic of Drugs & substance Abuse was conducted at GBSSS, JJ Colony, Wazirpur, Delhi – 52. The competition took place on 1/2/2019 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM in the School Hall. Teams from different schools participated in the competition.

Participants were:
  • 1.       GBSSS, JJ Colony, Wazirpur
  • 2.       GBSSS, D Block, Ashok Vihar
  • 3.       GBSSS, Phase II, Ashok Vihar
  • 4.       GBSSS, H Block, Ashok Vihar

Students from all the schools took part very enthusiastically. There were two teams from each school, i.e. a total of 8 teams participated in the competition, with 8 students in each team, i.e. a total of 64 students were the part of competition.

Though the performance of all the teams was very good, it was very hard for the judges to choose the winners, but few teams won the hearts by their performances. The winners of the competition were as follows:

First Position : GBSSS, JJ Colony, Wazirpur
Second Position : GBSSS, JJ Colony, Wazirpur
Third Position : GBSSS, D block, Ashok Vihar 

The winners were given a prize money to appreciate their performance and motivate them to work hard for their future performances.

Prize money:
First Prize: Rs. 300 per student
Second Prize: Rs. 200 per student
Third Prize: Rs. 100 per student

Photographs of the competition can be seen below.

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